
 “Yes, I’m vaccinated,” says NBA legend Charles Barkley. “Everybody should be vaccinated. Period.” “The only people who are not vaccinated are just a–holes,” he says. The 58-year-old NBA Hall-of-Famer says he personally thinks sports leagues should force players to get vaccinated. “Can you imagine if one of these guys that are not vaccinated, if they
Frederic J. Brown | AFP | Getty Images It can literally pay to get a Covid vaccine in some places. Across the country, many states are offering lottery prizes to boost the number of residents who inoculate themselves against the virus. If you are among the winners, just don’t forget the taxman. “Generally, when people
Elon Musk is “pro nuclear.” So said Musk on Wednesday while talking about making bitcoin mining sustainable at at The B-Word conference hosted by the Crypto Council for Innovation. Nuclear energy is considered “clean energy” because generating nuclear energy does not release greenhouse gasses. But due to some high-profile accidents, legacy nuclear power plants can have
Google’s dedicated “sustainability” landing page is where the tech giant outlines its goals to combat climate change — like being carbon free by 2030 — and shows status reports on its environmental efforts, such as making a “hyperlocal” air quality map. Combating climate change is a “foundational value” for Google and other Silicon Valley companies,