Cramer’s lightning round: I would buy some Novocure shares


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GrowGeneration: “We very specifically said when that stock got into the $40s that it was done, that there wasn’t much more there, that we thought it was terrific, but we wanted to take the gain. We felt that bulls make money, bears make money, and pigs, well, they get slaughtered. It was time to go, and frankly, we’ve never looked back.”

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Star Bulk Carriers: “No [don’t add to your position]. That’s a bulk carrier. We don’t like any of the bulk carriers. W e don’t like the oil tankers. They are too inconsistent, and they have too often led to heartache so we’re not involved.”

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Rivian Automotive: “The COO just left. Amazon is committed to buy what they have but also [inked a deal with Stellantis]. Ford wants to sell its stock, but it won’t be able to do it for a couple months. I don’t think the Rivian set up is all that great. I am sorry.”

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InMode: “I don’t know why that stock fell so much. I think that’s a great opportunity. I think it was just one of those baby [being thrown out] with the bathwater names. I think that’s what I expect our viewers to do, to come up exactly with names like InMode. I think that’s a good call.”

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Rio Tinto: “I’ve always favored owning Rio. I think it’s just a great long-term position. … I think that this is a good mineral company over the multiple year time. Don’t want to look at it over the short term, and I think you’ve got a good one.”

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Novocure: “I do not understand. Novocure is one of those companies, I happen to think that people have just turned on companies that, in general, are in health care, that nobody seems to want anymore. They have a revolutionary device that can be used for multiple different areas against cancer, and I think it should be bought right here. It’s down a great deal, and I would do some buying.”

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Li-Cycle Holdings: “I would love to just say yes. I really would because it’s down a lot, but this lithium battery area is just so controversial with so many players that I have to say wait a second. It is too speculative for me. Period. End of story.”

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Atkore: “Just plain, perfect metal-bending company that I like. Other people may not like it. Why? Because it’s just too boring. I think sometimes boring is good. I like your choice.”

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Virgin Galactic Holdings: “I never liked it. I saw it go up on a short squeeze. It’s come back down a great deal. Maybe you can get a bounce, but frankly, the stock is just not for me. Way too speculative.”

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